UTMACS: Cliff Ando, University of Chicago
When and Where
2023-24 University of Toronto Mississauga Annual Classics Seminar Series: "Centre and Periphery"
Republican Religion in Imperial Rome: The View from the Periphery
Cliff Ando, David B. and Clara E. Stern Distinguished Service Professor and Chair of the Department of Classics, University of Chicago
The paper poses the question, how republican polities in antiquity went about the business of deciding no longer to worship a particular god. Though the best attested such polity is Rome, the evidence from Rome is imperfect and much of it derives from the period of republican monarchy. But more evidence is available if one considers the practice of religion in peripheral communities, especially those that, on formal or ideological grounds, sought to mimic Roman practice.
Speaker Bio
Professor Ando’s research focuses on the histories of religion, law and government in the ancient world. His first book centered on the history of political culture in the provinces of the Roman empire, and he continues to write and advise on topics related to the provincial administration, the relationship between imperial power and local cultural change, and the form and structure of ancient empires. He has also written extensively on ancient religion. Significant themes were the connection of religion to empire and imperial government, especially in relation to pluralism and tolerance; and problems of representation in the use of objects in ritual. His current projects include a study of Latin as a language of the law and a study of legal theory in contexts of weak state power.
The theme for this year's UTM Annual Classics Seminar (UTMACS) is centre and periphery. The speakers will challenge and explore this topic from various perspectives. For those who have not yet attended a UTMACS seminar, the sessions are in two parts, consisting of (1) a lecture (1:10–approx. 2:40 pm) followed, after a short break, by (2) a seminar-style discussion (3–4 pm) that is centred on the ‘focus item’ specified by the lecturer.
Professor Ando's talk will take place on Friday, October 27th, 1:10PM to 4:00PM, at UTM in CDRS, Maanjiwe nendamowinan 3230, and broadcast live via Zoom.
Contact Martin Revermann (m.revermann@utoronto.ca) for the meeting link
Advanced Reading
James Rives, "Religion and Authority in Roman Carthage," pp. 17-51 and 153-169