Applications Now Open: Bursaries for Summer Language Courses

January 25, 2024 by Department of Classics

The Department of Classics is promoting the study of Ancient Greek and Latin by students from groups currently under-represented in the field (e.g., on the basis of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status). We are offering bursaries to cover tuition for language courses ($700 per semester course), and for those visiting from outside the Toronto area, up to an additional $1,000 per semester.

In the first summer term, starting in early May and running through June, we offer GRK101, LAT101, and LAT201.

In the second summer term, starting in July and running through mid-August, we offer GRK102, LAT102, and LAT202.

If you are interested in applying for a bursary, please send by March 15, 2024, a cover letter as well as a copy of your university transcript (an unofficial copy is fine) to the Undergraduate Coordinator, Professor Kevin Wilkinson, at In your cover letter, please tell us which courses you plan to enrol in and why you are eager to take them. In addition, please include a few lines explaining your eligibility for this bursary and how it will help you to achieve your ambitions.

If you are coming from another university in North America or overseas, you must submit your application through Woodsworth College's Visiting Students Program. The online application process is straightforward, but you will need a Letter of Permission from your own university registrar or study abroad office.

Woodsworth College also has limited accommodation spaces for visiting students. The 2024 Summer Housing Application will open in late Winter 2024.

Preliminary and (when available) official course timetables will be on the UofT Timetable Builder in late Winter 2024. Select "Faculty of Arts and Science" and "Summer 2024" and search for the course(s) that are of interest to you.

If you have additional questions about our summer language courses, feel free to contact the Undergraduate Coordinator, Professor Kevin Wilkinson, at


PDF iconSummer bursaries poster.pdf
